last time i found time in my whirlwind schedual to update this thing
1/12/01- attempted to set up sight but forgot to save changes.1/13/01- started to put the site together 1/23/01-i actually (with the help of lisa) figured out how to get a guestbook! So please sign it. 3/3/01-hey! i'm still alive believe it or not. I updated my what's new page so go visit it. i also added Cool Word to my about page so go there to. And I found a bunch of cool pics for my 2nd photo page so you have to go there. What are you waiting for?! GO! 6/something/01- yeah, i don't know what day it is but i did some stuff. 12/15/01-go me, its only been like, half a year, but im gonna spiff up the site now 7/27/02- dear lord why do I even bother |